Twin Ports North Stars

Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - All-Time

All | Regular Season | Playoffs | Other
Note: A minimum of 75 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Plate Appearances PA
Tiny calan fougner card
Calan Fougner
1. Calan Fougner 269
2. Rich Hailey 174
3. Nik Mattson 139
4. Jared Thomas 127
5. John Meyer 126
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Tiny calan fougner card
Calan Fougner
1. Calan Fougner 30
2. Rich Hailey 23
3. Adam Shykes 20
4. Nik Mattson 18
5. Joe Muench 17
Batting Average AVG
1. Joe Muench .408
2. Calan Fougner .377
3. John Meyer .358
4. Jared Thomas .330
5. Rich Hailey .306
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Joe Muench .521
2. Calan Fougner .477
3. John Meyer .437
4. Rich Hailey .414
5. Jared Thomas .402
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. John Meyer .679
2. Joe Muench .553
3. Calan Fougner .481
4. Rich Hailey .429
5. Jared Thomas .422
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. John Meyer 1.116
2. Joe Muench 1.074
3. Calan Fougner .958
4. Rich Hailey .842
5. Jared Thomas .824
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
1. Joe Muench 18.3
2. Rich Hailey 13.5
3. Nik Mattson 13.4
4. Calan Fougner 12.4
5. Jared Thomas 12.1
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Note: A minimum of 35 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
Tiny jeff adams card
Jeff Adams
1. Jeff Adams 1.000
2. Kevin Stocke .833
3. Mike Stocke .714
4. Riley Grandson .500
Innings Pitched IP
Tiny riley grandson card
Riley Grandson
1. Riley Grandson 84.0
2. Jeff Adams 48.0
3. Kevin Stocke 47.2
4. Mike Stocke 37.1
5. Chris Couillard 25.2
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Tiny riley grandson card
Riley Grandson
1. Riley Grandson 58
2. Kevin Stocke 22
3. Calan Fougner 20
4. Jeff Adams 19
5. Tyler Long 18
Earned Run Average ERA
1. Mike Stocke 2.17
2. Jeff Adams 2.62
3. Kevin Stocke 2.64
4. Riley Grandson 3.75
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
1. Mike Stocke 1.10
2. Kevin Stocke 1.17
3. Jeff Adams 1.19
4. Riley Grandson 1.51
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
1. Mike Stocke 0.72
2. Jeff Adams 3.56
3. Kevin Stocke 4.15
4. Riley Grandson 6.21
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Tiny riley grandson card
Riley Grandson
1. Riley Grandson 8.89
2. Kevin Stocke 8.50
3. Jeff Adams 8.44
4. Mike Stocke 6.99
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Mike Stocke 9.67
2. Jeff Adams 2.37
3. Kevin Stocke 2.05
4. Riley Grandson 1.43
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
1. Kevin Stocke 6.42
2. Jeff Adams 7.12
3. Riley Grandson 7.39
4. Mike Stocke 9.16
Note: A minimum of 40 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Innings INN
Tiny calan fougner card
Calan Fougner
1. Calan Fougner 474.1
2. Rich Hailey 273.1
3. Nik Mattson 260.0
4. Bob Eastman 226.2
5. Jared Thomas 226.0
Total Chances TC
Tiny calan fougner card
Calan Fougner
1. Calan Fougner 284
2. Bob Eastman 217
3. Nik Mattson 176
4. Jared Thomas 141
5. John Meyer 112
Double Plays DP
1. Jared Thomas 18
2. John Meyer 11
3. Bob Eastman 9
4. Rich Hailey 5
5. Matt Vogt 5
Fielding Percentage FPCT
1. Nik Mattson .989
2. Rich Hailey .986
3. Calan Fougner .986
4. Bob Eastman .986
5. John Meyer .982